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Convert Ounces to Grams

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Ounces to Grams Conversion Table
1 ounce = 28.35 grams
2 = 56.699
3 = 85.049
4 = 113.398
5 = 141.748
6 = 170.097
7 = 198.447
8 = 226.796
9 = 255.146
10 = 283.495
11 = 311.845
12 = 340.194
13 = 368.544
14 = 396.893
15 = 425.243
16 = 453.592

1 ounce = 28.349 523 grams. There are 16 ounces in an avoirdupois pound. In 1958 the US and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations defined the mass of the international pound to be 0.453 592 37 kilograms. Since 1958, the international ounce is defined to be equal to about 28.349523 grams. The ounce is commonly used as a unit of mass in the US. While imperial units have been officially abolished in the UK, the ounce still remains as a unit of mass in some applications.


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